What  about me?

A Foodie, that’s about me. Love all kinds of food, almost. I remember almost every meal I ever ate–good or not so…luckily I don’t have a sweet tooth, but I love salt.

Left to my own devices I’d eat salads based with a variety of greens and a bit of protein for every dinner.  I’m not a raw foodist, but could be. I’m a purest when it comes to preparing a dish, but will, for convenience, use a readymade ingredient. As the trend goes now, I’ve always opted for organic and local if possible. It’s delightful that these ingredients have become so accessible.

I hope most of my recipes reflect healthy eating.

Entertaining with food involved is in my genes. I have my mother, father and especially my sister to thank for those traits. 

Jack and I had the opportunity to spend time in the British West Indies–Island of Montserrat. A couple who owned and managed an incredibly awesome restaurant called The Belham Valley Restaurant became our close friends—Chris and Barbara Crowe.  As a couple they continue to have a great influence on how I prepare food and host. These are two of the most gracious people you’d ever want to meet. 

 What do I like to do these days?

 To get together with friends and family

My volunteer job at the MACC…filing for the Department of Development. If volunteering is a gene, I have my parents to thank for that trait.

Hike and enjoy nature

Read and book club meetings

Put together hard copy albums from digital photos  

Cook, but after 49 years in the kitchen—I love to eat out! (Pizza)

I like rock and roll .

Other details

Grew up in the Lettuce Bowl of America–Salinas, CA– and Phoenix, AZ

Attended University of Northern Arizona, Flagstaff         

Lived on Maui for the past 21 years, before that, Birmingham, MI

Married 34 years to Jack–combined family of 5 grown children.